
May 22, 2024

Jack Russell

Hi everyone, 

Thanks for stopping by and for all your wonderful comments. I'm honored to have you here and I truly appreciate each of you more than you know! 

The card I'm sharing with you today features the latest NDC Jack Russell plate which I demoed last Saturday in my Facebook group...

Here's the video of how I created the card... 

Card: Unbranded white and kraft and Clarity's clear parchment
Groovi Plates: Picot ovals and NDC Jack Russell
Tools and embellishments: Picot oval and Doodle Hearts Border Frame-Its dies, Polychromos pencils and rhinestones from my stash

#781 AG at Allorts to celebrate their 15th birthday!
#255 AG at Crafty Gals Corner
#62 at NBUS (the pup plate was NBUS)

I'll be back soon with another creation and I hope you'll join me then,


  1. A fabulous card design, thanks for sharing at Allsorts this week.

  2. A very sweet Jack Russel (I may be a tad biased) card. Lovely to see you at our Allsorts 15th Birthday celebrations, many thanks for joining in.

    B x

  3. An adorable card Em with that lovely Jack Russel image! Hugs, Vicky xx

  4. Nicely designed card! Love the heart borders! Thanks for joining in the celebration at Allsorts this week!

  5. Such a sweet card, Em. Love the lil guy!
    Lena xx

  6. Oh My word I am so in love with this wonderful creation my heart is pumping so fast seeing that beautiful JR I have a little JR and had one prior they are such fun and full of character your card is brilliant thank you for joining our birthday celebrations at Allsorts
    lolo x

  7. Beautiful, Em! My grandpa had two Jack Russells and this brings back happy memories! Thank you for inspiring everyone to use their NBUS! Hugs, Darnell

  8. Our daughter would love this card. Her pet is a Jack Russell. Great card.

    Love, Hugs and Blessings

  9. Awww, he is too cute and I just love the heart borders too!

  10. This is a great card. Love the image of the Jack Russell. Thanks for joining the challenge at Crafty Gals Corner.


I love to read your comments. Thanks for taking time to leave them!

Em xxx